George Karagiannidis

Since 2004 he has been a Professor at the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. His main research activities include 5G and 6G wireless communication networks, Application of Artificial Intelligence in information transmission and processing, Wireless energy transfer, etc. He has given more than 100 lectures at foreign universities and forums and has been awarded many times for his contribution to telecommunications and wireless network research with major international scientific awards such as the 2021 IEEE Communications Society Radio Communications Committee (RCC) Technical Recognition Award, 2018 IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Electronics (SPCE) TechnicalRecognition Award and recently with the prestigious Humboldt Research Award 2022 from the Alexander vonHumboldt Foundation in Germany. From 1/1/2024 he is Editor-in-Chief of the most important journal for telecommunications IEEE Transactions on Communications. He is one of the most influential scientists on a global level and the only Greek Academician from the field of IT and telecommunications who has emerged for the last 9 consecutive years (2015-2023) as a Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher.

Artifical Inteligent and 6th Gen (6G) Wireless Networks

The latest developments for the transition to 6G networks and the two-way relationship between these networks and artificial intelligence (AI for 6G & 6G for AI) will be presented

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