Arduino Applications in Biomedicine


This presentation focuses on the use of Arduino in applications related to the biological and medical sciences. In the age when technology has been introduced into our lives for good, the innovations it can offer in the life and health sciences are immeasurable. Purpose this workshop is to study how we can use Arduino to produce pioneering ideas and applications of digital, electronic health and research.

Sunday 16:00 - 17:30 1.4

Prerequisites: Typically, none.
Desired: Interest in biomedicine and related experience with Arduino.

Organisers: IEEE National Technical University of Athens Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society SBC

The IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) is the largest international community of Biomedical engineers and the IEEE NTUA SB EMBS is a branch of this international community at the National Technical University of Athens and its work is purely voluntary. It consists of volunteers, undergraduate students of Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Mechanical Engineering and Medicine. Through speeches, workshops and projects, it manages to inform students, but also those interested, about the developments of Medicine and Biology with the application of new technologies, to transmit the ever-increasing scientific knowledge in the field, to give stimuli to students for the development interest in the science of Biomedicine and, finally, to strengthen the collaboration between engineers, scientists and doctors with the aim of better and more efficient solving of complex problems and the improvement of already existing techniques and equipment.

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