Introduction to Web Development with Django


Welcome to our workshop on building dynamic web applications with Django! In this hands-on session, we will guide you through the creation of a LocalLibrary app, following the acclaimed Django Tutorial Parts 1 to 6 from the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN). Whether you're new to web development or looking to deepen your Django skills, this workshop will equip you with the knowledge to create powerful web applications.

What You'll Learn:
    Introduction to Django:
  • Overview of Django and its role in web development.
  • Understanding the Model-View-Template (MVT) design pattern.
    Setting Up Your Development Environment:
  • Installing Django and creating a new project.
  • Exploring the project structure and configuration.
    Creating Models and Database Interaction:
  • Defining models for our LocalLibrary app (Books, Authors, Genres, etc.).
  • Implementing database interactions for storing and retrieving data.
    Building Views and Templates:
  • Creating views to handle requests and render responses.
  • Designing dynamic templates for displaying data to users.

Who Should Attend:
  • Beginners interested in web development with Python.
  • Developers looking to enhance their skills with Django.
  • Tech enthusiasts curious about building dynamic web applications.

GitHub Repository: You will have access to our workshop's GitHub repository, where you can find the complete code for the LocalLibrary app. This repository will also contain additional resources, such as helpful guides and references.
Docker Image: To streamline your development process, we have prepared a Docker image with all the necessary dependencies pre-installed. By using this Docker image, you'll have a ready-to-use environment for running the LocalLibrary app. Instructions on how to pull and use the Docker image will be provided during the workshop.
Quiz through Kahoot: At the end of the workshop, we will have an interactive quiz on Kahoot based on the concepts covered during the session. Test your knowledge and compete with other participants for the top spot! The winner of the quiz will receive an exciting prize.
Workshop Format: This workshop will be interactive and practical. You'll follow along with the instructor, receive hands-on exercises, and have the opportunity to ask questions throughout the session. By the end of the workshop, you'll have a functional LocalLibrary app and the skills to continue exploring Django on your own.

Friday 15:30 - 17:00 1.5

  • Basic knowledge of Python (variables, loops, functions, etc.).
  • Familiarity with HTML and CSS (recommended).
  • Laptop with Docker, Git and a terminal installed (installation instructions will be provided if needed).

  • Organisers: Yodeck

    Yodeck is a dynamic digital signage platform, empowering businesses with cloud-based content management for engaging displays. Users can upload, schedule, and remotely control their content on digital screens. It's an ideal solution for diverse settings, from retail to offices and healthcare. Yodeck offers hundreds of free and fully customizable templates for all needs and businesses. This makes it easier to enhance communication, engage audiences, and provide real-time information.

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